And suddenly 22 years passed. Congratulations to you!

It’s amazing how you don’t realize the time, when we are involved in the growth and affirmation of all that we most want. It happens like this, with our children, perhaps with our grandchildren (I don’t have one yet), but also with our companies.

When we decide to create and grow a company, it’s like one of our children. ENFORCE is today a company, which was born 22 years ago, grew and is there as everyone knows it, a “LADY”! Moreover, today it is a business reality that goes far beyond the commercial company I founded in 2001.

It is therefore an immense pride to be able to continue counting years of its growth. The company is today, the result of the determination of its management, but above all, the result of the commitment and dedication of all its employees. Even those who, no longer part of our staff, helped us to grow. Of course, we are also happy for having contributed a lot to your professional and even personal path. Today, they are certainly better prepared citizens.

The vision of the future, the culture and education, which we have always passed on and continue to pass on to all those who are part of ENFORCE, have left an indelible mark, which is recognized by everyone and by our customers.

Today is the day to celebrate this path! Today is the day to celebrate this ambition of yours and ours.

João Nuno Serra


ENFORCE hand in hand with sustainability

The European Mobility Week was launched in 2002 and since then it has been celebrated annually from 16 to 22 September.

Taking advantage of the importance of this date we decided to increase the visibility of the URBAN AIR Project, which is a cross-border partnership between Portugal and Spain, developed under the Interrreg / Poctep program, by promoting the information dissemination by all consortium partners during the week.

The URBAN AIR project has the participation of the Universities of Valladolid (Spain) and Beira Interior (Portugal), together with EREN (Ente Regional de la Energia de Castilla y León), the CARTIF Technological Center, Enforce – Engenharia da Energia and the Regional Agency for Energy and Environment of the Center.

The primary objective of this project is to monitor the environmental parameters of the cities of Valladolid and Covilhã, through mobile sensors installed on bicycles that will circulate in both cities.

Due to the orographic characteristics of Covilhã, the bicycles of the Portuguese project will be electric.

ENFORCE was responsible for the design and construction of the charging stations for the electric bicycles, in which the generation of electric energy is achieved through photovoltaic panels, supported by high voltage storage batteries.

In a simple and effective way, thanks to URBAN AIR we can determine the influence of the actions carried out in the atmosphere of both cities.

URBAN AIR not only measures air quality, but aims to improve our quality of life.

The European Business Awards is one of the most prestigious awards a company can receive at a European level, which aims to recognize the success, innovation and ethical entrepreneurship revealed by European companies.

It is a reward for innovators, success stories and ethical entrepreneurs in European business, as companies have a key role to play in tackling the key issues facing Europe and the world.

In the case of ENFORCE we are helping to halt climate change in the energy sector.

The excellence of the innovative business model that ENFORCE introduced in the photovoltaic business led to the recognition by the EBA organization as a Portuguese company “ONE TO WATCH”, that is, a model company to be followed.

ENFORCE aims to reach the European Public Winner 2019 award, which is only possible with the vote of the entire ENFORCE Universe: employees, customers, partners, friends, family…

So please visit and vote in the ENFORCE video

Following a cross-border partnership between Portugal and Spain within the Interreg / Poctep program came the Urban Air Project, whose primary objective will be the monitoring of the environmental parameters of the cities, Valladolid and Covilhã, through sensors installed on electric bicycles that will circulate in both cities.

Monitoring will be carried out by the University of Beira Interior (UBI), which has chosen ENFORCE as a strategic partner for the construction of power stations through photovoltaic panels and battery charging of the electric bicycles used in the project.

Project released in the TV show named “Exame Informática” TV n.º 640

Enforce – Engenharia da Energia, SA, in order to keep up with developments in the field of information technology and power systems, is pleased to announce that it is in the final stages of launching a new monitoring platform called by MonitForce.

The current platform ( will progressively be discontinued.

If you are an Enforce customer and have received an invitation to the new Monitforce platform (, do not hesitate and register now.

We innovate for you, we monitor for you, so you don’t lose your energy.

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