ENFORCE hand in hand with sustainability

The European Mobility Week was launched in 2002 and since then it has been celebrated annually from 16 to 22 September.

Taking advantage of the importance of this date we decided to increase the visibility of the URBAN AIR Project, which is a cross-border partnership between Portugal and Spain, developed under the Interrreg / Poctep program, by promoting the information dissemination by all consortium partners during the week.

The URBAN AIR project has the participation of the Universities of Valladolid (Spain) and Beira Interior (Portugal), together with EREN (Ente Regional de la Energia de Castilla y León), the CARTIF Technological Center, Enforce – Engenharia da Energia and the Regional Agency for Energy and Environment of the Center.

The primary objective of this project is to monitor the environmental parameters of the cities of Valladolid and Covilhã, through mobile sensors installed on bicycles that will circulate in both cities.

Due to the orographic characteristics of Covilhã, the bicycles of the Portuguese project will be electric.

ENFORCE was responsible for the design and construction of the charging stations for the electric bicycles, in which the generation of electric energy is achieved through photovoltaic panels, supported by high voltage storage batteries.

In a simple and effective way, thanks to URBAN AIR we can determine the influence of the actions carried out in the atmosphere of both cities.

URBAN AIR not only measures air quality, but aims to improve our quality of life.